eBook Creation Toolkit

The step by step blueprint to creating and launching your first (or next) eBook and making your first $1,000+ online.

You see everyone else making money from eBooks. You know you should do the same.

problem is... you have no idea what to create or how to create it. 

The Ebook Creation Toolkit
the templates, strategies & step by step videos so you can create & launch your first (or next) eBook in just a few hours.

Once you implement the steps inside the eBook Creation Kit these are the kinds of results you will see…


The eBook Creation Kit

Including my signature framework for launching your first (or next) profitable eBook that scales to $1,000 months and beyond,  step by step video tutorials, plug and play templates, six figure digital product suite template, step by step money making marketing strategy and so much more...


Is this You?

You have a service based/ coaching business and you're ready to scale your business without having to work more hours 

You have a 9 to 5 but you want to make more money without having to leave your house

You know you need an eBook but you have no idea where or how to get started

You're tired of being asked questions that you know you should be paid for, you're ready to make money using what you already know 

You want to take real time off without worrying about money the entire time

The eBook Creation Kit is the step by step toolkit that gives you everything you need to help you create and launch your digital product and FAST. 

Meet your Digital Product Coach!

I'm Kelita, and I've been making money with digital products for over 10 years and I personally believe every woman should have at least ONE digital product she can sell. 

I regularly wake up to sales made while I was asleep or while I was working. Yep, sales on autopilot. 

But it wasn't always like that. 

10 years ago I was booked out and burnt out. 

If I took time off my income took a dip, I was exhausted. 

But then I launched my first digital product and once I made my first sale without having to be tied to my phone or computer? I was sold. 

I've made money every year from digital products since 2012. 

And now I am sharing my strategies, formulas and resources so you can create your own profitable eBook and FAST. 

Your Questions Answered

How soon can I get started?

I love that you're ready to get started right away! 

You. get INSTANT access to the videos, playbook, templates and bonuses! 

Does this work if I've never created an ebook before? 

This is perfect for you! 

It walks you through all the steps in an easy to follow process.

I offer services will this work for me?

YES! I show you EXACTLY how to come up with the perfect profitable ebook step by step even if you sell services. 

What do I get once I purchase?

You have instant access to: 
  •  all the ebook creation kit modules,
  • templates, 
  • all bonus resources including ebook promise template, bonus sales page class, resources and the templates

Can I do this if I don't have a business?

Yes you can! I will show you exactly how you can identify your ebook idea. 

Why is this only $29? 

It's priced at $29 because I want to give you the chance to WIN! 

One eBook can change the game and your life... I know this from my own experience. 

All I ask is you actually do the work! 


FULL Step by Step eBook Creation Kit ------------------------------------- $497 value

50 page customisable eBook template  ------------------------------------ $97 value

Scale to Six Figure Strategy Class ----------------------------------------- $447 value

Simple Sales Pages Workshop --------------------------------------------- $127 value

Digital Product Toolkit ---------------------------------------------------- $27 value

Additional plug and play Templates ----------------------------------------- $99 value

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